Enhanced Second Edition?
This rulebook is a remake of the Enhanced Advanced Heroquest book originally created by Gunzhard and now reworked by De Geyter Dieter. It contains all the official extra content that have been released from the Terror in the Dark expansion and all the White Dwarf articles. This is also an attempt on adding some house rules to improve the game, and rebalance some of the changes that came with the first edition of "Enhanced". You will find popular house rules as doors being 2 spaces wide, diagonal moving, simplified spell components for casting, but the most important: An new system for creating Heroes with heroic abilities and level progression.
Special thanks!
To Gunzhard for his amazing work on making the first edition of this rulebook. Slev (AHQ Reforged), RECIVS (AHQ Reforged rework), Littlemonk (Warhammer Quest 95 content), and Greywolf (Greywolf ’s AHQ website) for inspiration and great ideas on their homebrew content. All the great responses I received from the Yeoldeinn, Boardgamegeek, and Facebook group Advanced Heroquest community! Your invaluable contributions and support continue to fuel my passion for creating more Advanced Heroquest content.